Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls Finale

This was a great final episode to this series. It ended with an epic battle to the finish and not one, but two people would die. Both Gisen and Jubei would die at the end. I wish that Jubei wouldn’t have died though. She was kind of my favorite character of the show. Don’t get me wrong I liked all the characters in the show except Yoshihiko. It me he is still the douche of the show. All in all I liked how the show ended. I just wish that Jubei wouldn’t have had to die.

The only thing about this show that I didn’t like is the almost complete lack of story. It only seemed like it got a story at the end. For most of the show the focus was on Muneakira and trying to get more master samurai so they could battle Yoshihiko. Everything was focused trying to show that a soldier is only as good as the person commanding them into battle. Despite that it was still a good show because it made me laugh sometimes. Especially when Gisen kept trying to have sex with Muneakira and the two girls kept finding them.

Well that is all for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 09

Yoshihiko is one evil person. Kidnapping girls just so that way he can save his country. I know that the intentions are noble, but the method is downright evil. Just remember people the ends do not justify the means. He is still violating those girls right to do as they please. I wouldn’t if the goal is noble because I don’t agree with the means. There has to be a way that will make everyone happy and not violate anyone’s right to do as they as long as they don’t infringe upon others right to do the same. Other than that I have no complaints with the episode.

I really enjoyed that battle between Sen and Gisen. Then at Charles D’Artagnan had to interfere. Of course I know that Yoshihiko is lying to everyone or why would have the need to kill Hanzo, Matabei, Yukimaru, and Kanetsugu. What was the point of sharing the plan with them and then killing them? It just seems easier to kill them and it would be a lot quicker too. It always seems that the bad guy has to spill his plan before killing the good people. It always gives the good people a little bit of time to think about how to escape their current problem. Personally if I was Yoshihiko I would use them to carry out my plans.

Well that is all for this post. As always this post is brought to you commercial free by Xly15. Check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 08

Another girl just falls out of the sky. Why is it that Muneakira is getting all the girls and it does not look like he even wants all those girls? I’m pretty sure that even a classical samurai would be having sex with one of those girls if it was offered to him. But when it offered to Muneakira he acts like he does not even want it. I have a feeling that he is gay. I know if I was him that I would be getting laid all night, every night.

Who knew that Jubei had such strong ideas? I would have figured Jubei to be an airhead in her untransformed state. But apparently she is not the idiot because Kanetsugu already has that position filled and quite well I might add. But the trust and bond thing is kind of true. A samurai traditionally is in service to a lord. That lord has to be trusting enough to trust person with a weapon to kill him. The samurai would also have to kind of love the lord to not want to kill him. At least that is how I see the meaning of that statement.

Where in the hell is the story? This is kind of reminding me of watching Shukufuku no Campanella. It went from having a story to having no story to at the end trying to find the damn plot again. Well those are my thoughts and as always this post is brought to you commercial free by Xly15. Check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 07

I was just about to turn this post into a screen shots only post, but I figured I would motivate myself to actually do the post. The only major development and I figured it would happen is that Kanetsugu would move into the dojo with the others. It seems that she wants to keep tabs on Muneakira. I guess the other major development was learning how Hanzo and Princess Sen met. Clearly Hanzo met and went above and beyond her line of duty. Hanzo is just more than a servant to Sen.

Awww. man I was hoping that we would get to see another master samurai. But I like Hanzo’s style. She is fiercely loyal Princess Sen and would lay down her life for her. That is a bond that will be broken no matter how hard you try. All I know is that Kanetsugu is basically useless because she is relatively weak right now. But at least they introduced the idiot to the cast. Now almost every position is filled.

Apparently Princess Sen’s brother is planning something and it is not good. But until they reveal more I cannot say much. Until next time this is Xly15 signing off and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 06

I have to agree with the two girls. Muneakira really should just pick one and stick with her. But I guess that won’t happen because he says that it wouldn’t work without all of them. Muneakira seems like he is a really indecisive person. In really life I’m pretty sure that a guy would have made up his mind already. It would probably involve him choosing the one that gives it up the fastest. Then again Muneakira seems like the type that is relationship person.

Princess Sen’s brother seems like a real dick. He probably wants control of the whole country in its entirety and that is why he wants to eliminate Muneakira. I would probably want Muneakira eliminated too because of the fact that he can pump out Master Samurai left and right. But of course I’m rooting for the good guys or maybe they are the bad guys. Not enough information to determine that yet.

This is it for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 5

We have another Samurai Girl. Way to go Princess Sen. The Harem is getting bigger by the episode. But that Warrior of Love Girl was clearly an annoyance. How can you be a warrior for love if you have never even loved someone before? I just like how Princess Sen brought that up. The Warrior of Love Girl is clearly the naive one. She didn’t even know what in the hell she was talking about. I think that she just loves hearing herself talk.

Yukimaru was a little prankster as a kid. Her getting that Warrior of love girl to pee on an earthworm had me laughing out loud. Now that is what I call a good prank. But it kind of did ruin that one girl’s social life. As she said everyone in her village remembered that and made fun of her for it. But seriously it was funny.

This is Xly15 signing and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 4

Clearly this has to be the best episode so far. Muneakira can just create Master Samurai with just a kiss. That has to be the ultimate power that any man can have. Can you say unlimited army to go and fight your wars. So now me have two Master Samurai. We the Original one Juubei and now we have Yukimura. I have a feeling that Princess Sen will be the last one to become a Master Samurai. That is if it happens at all. Which I’m pretty certain that it will happen.

I was wore interested in the fight between Yukimura and Sen then I was with the actual transformation. I mean seriously why did Yukimura have to go through all that trouble. And why did Princess Sen feel the need to stop Yukimura. It seems that it would have just been easier for the sake of proving the theory  to just let Yukimura do it. Then again it is plainly apparent that Sen likes Muneakira as well.

Well that is all for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 3

When in the hell are going to learn who Jubei is? At least we now know that Muneakira is her general. It is kind of stupid though that he cannot move when she goes into samurai mode. The way in which it is carried out also look cumbersome. What happens if they are not together and she could use here power to save someone? It seems like a waste to me. It kind of reminds me of Hellsing. When Alucard has to ask to use his level 1 powers. It just seems pointless. But then again you would not want either of these two just running around killing people. At least this way someone is responsible for the actions.

I have to agree with Jubei. If Princess Sen can not even keep her emotions in check then she can not be expected to lead a country very well. But enough about that. Jubei sounds more like a lover than a little sister to me. She will fall apart without Muneakira. You can tell that Princess Sen is jealous about that. You can clearly tell that she has feelings for Muneakira. But it seems that yet again the male lead is incapable of understanding this. Oh well in kind of makes things more interesting. But at some point this way of doing things will get old.

This is it for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back later for more.

Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 2

I definitely like the twist that this took for this episode. Jubei was freaking sweet. I wish  that Muneakira would not have stopped her from killing that Ninja girl. But then again he is a samurai and samurai won’t strike a downed enemy. Then we have Jubei freaking out after she is told to stop. Then she reverts to a normal girl almost with the exception of having no memory. Hopefully it does not happen all the time where Muneakira is tied down by chains when Jubei freaks out. It seems like it was only a one time thing. To me it seemed really pointless. What was Jubei going to do to a rampaging Jubei? I mean seriously she had a power level  over 9000.

Apparently Jubei is a master Samurai which means that she made a deal with Shogun to get that Status. But unfortunately I do believe that power will end up being used against the Shogun. But hey at least for right now Muneakira is being looked after by his old childhood friend Princess Sen. So it seems that he won’t get in that much trouble. I just like how she went off him about not being at train station at the appointed time. That’s right Muneakira you should never stand up a girl.

One of the plus things about this episode is that they toned down the ecchi a little. Maybe that means they want to take a more serious route. Who knows. This is all for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back next week for more.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls 1

I really don’t know how to explain just what went on. I just think it is going to be impossible to explain what went on. I’m just going to say this now. This show just looks like it is going to be fast paced. This just looks like it is going to be girls fighting more girls on top of more girls. But we get the added effect of black dots obscuring all the good stuff. But then again it let’s me use this thing that we call an imagination. But now on to me trying to explain everything and then give some type of an opinion. Remember that this a preairing of this episode. More will come later.

In the beginning we have what looks like some Samurai girls destroying B29 bombers from America. Then we go to when Muneakira Yagyuu Arrives at the place where he is suppose to be working. There are already residents living there and he kind of walks in on them. Of course he is able to snap a picture off. Then he tries to lie to them about taking the picture. This guy is not a good liar at all. I mean they actually saw him take the picture. But then it all become cool and they start to hang out. He goes from being threatened to becoming their friend almost like that.

Then this maid looking girl shows to arrest the other two girls with Muneakira. Oh and by the way those two are Gotou Matabei and Yukimura Sanada. But for now we will focus on the maid girl because she obviously is more interesting. Her name is Hattori Hanzou and she is kind of weird because of this. But what I want to know is how she gets that big scroll looking thing into her hair? That has to be a pain in ass to do. That maid outfit also looks like it would be hard to battle. Gotou has the right idea of wearing the least possible so that way she can maximize her movement.

I’m just going to combine the beginning and end because they both are part of the same event. Muneakira and everyone else see this flash of light and guess what comes out of it. A girl pops out of that white light. A girl and it is a pretty good looking one at that. But the question is how she got there in the first place. Her name is Jubei Yagyuu. By my guess it is her that is really doing a lot of fighting. She just looks bad ass. I can see myself watching this series to the end.

Now one thing is being complained about is the black spot that appear in almost every scene. Now I personally like them because it kind of gives this anime a more relaxed feeling while being all action. Like I said before they also cover up the important stuff as well. But that allows my imagination to work somewhat instead of me just being entertained. I think that I am really going to enjoy this series and I hope you will too. This is Xly15 signing off and thank you for staying off my lawn.