Bakuman 2

A lot happened in this episode. But most seemed to revolve around the relationship between Azuki and Saiko. Saiko keeps a remembering that he made a promise to Azuki that they would get married after they both had achieved their dreams. Prefect motivation so that way Saiko does not commit suicide like his uncle. He ends having to give up his first test because he is having problems with being in the same room as Azuki. I’m in agreement with Shujin. I like those couples the best. They are not all over each other and stuff.

The second thing of note that happened was that Saiko basically told his parents that he was going to become a manga artist. His dad readily said yes to that saying that His mom would never understand. Then he went and told his grandfather and his grandfather gave him the key to his uncle’s studio. That is a really nice grandfather. Apparently Saiko’s grandfather feels better now that Saiko his working towards a goal. That is the way it should be. Parents should support their kids in their dreams unless it involves harming other people.

This is it for this post. This is Xly15 signing off and check back next week for more on Bakuman.

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